Potential customer privacy incidents: During our billing system upgrade, some customer details were incorrectly migrated, causing bills to be sent to old or secondary addresses, learn more at Update on billing delays.
Billing delays and support: View the latest on billing delays and support options or register for in-person support at a customer care day near you.
This includes a new look bill and online account to make paying your bill and managing your account easier. You'll also get a new 10-digit account number. Reference numbers have changed for some customers using BPAY or Post Billpay.
Our aim is to make paying your water bill something you never have to think twice about.
You'll get a new 10-digit account number on your new look bill.
Reference numbers and the biller code have changed for some customers using BPAY or Post Billpay.
If you currently pay a parks charge, we'll bill this quarterly from 1 July 2024 instead of collecting it as an annual charge, helping to even out your bills. Some property owners who are not connected to our water system will continue to receive the parks charge annually.
Paying your bill
We've started phasing out cheque payments. To help prepare for the Australian Government's decision to phase out cheques in the next few years, we're encouraging customers to use more secure forms of payment. These include online, BPAY and direct debit. This helps to keep your personal and financial information safe. Please see your bill for all payment options.
Direct debit changes
Depending on the location of your property, you may notice a change in bank ID on your statements. There will be no impact to your payments. Visit our direct debit webpage to access your current service agreement.
If you're paying for more than one property using direct debit, your bank statement will have a line item for each account, with the different account numbers.
Managing your account online
Your new online account, My GWW, will give you more control and flexibility to manage your account securely online at any time.
We've introduced multifactor authentication for My GWW to protect your personal and financial information.
My Account and My Water, have been permanently closed.
In 2023, we aligned our customers onto a quarterly billing cycle with 21 days to pay. If you were already receiving a quarterly bill, there was no change to your billing cycle or payment period.
Due to technical issues with our new billing system, some customer bills have been delayed. View Billing delays for more information.
New prices support Melbourne’s growing west
In June 2024 the Essential Services Commission released their final decision on GWW’s price submission, with new prices coming into effect from 1 July.
The price submission outlines the services we will provide, the investments we will make and the prices you will be charged between 2024 and 2028.
As the first price review since GWW was formed in 2021, this plan sets solid foundations for growth, and makes the long-term investments needed for the west to thrive.