Potential customer privacy incidents: During our billing system upgrade, some customer details were incorrectly migrated, causing bills to be sent to old or secondary addresses, learn more at Update on billing delays.
Billing delays and support: View the latest on billing delays and support options or register for in-person support at a customer care day near you.
Approved customers may be able to access recycled water through a registered water carter.
How to apply
When you apply to use recycled water from our hydrants or standpipes, you'll need to include some important information. This includes:
property size, and recycled water use area size
proof that the recycled water use complies with applicable requirements
classification of the site under the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Planning Scheme
the type of water requested, and storage requirements
how you intend to manage recycled water spray drift
buffer distance to sensitive development or surface water
site plan, including irrigation activity
a completed recycled water supply agreement for each site.
You'll also need to submit an application and customer site management plan, detailing where you plan to use the carted recycled water in our service area.
We usually need at least 10 business days to process applications.