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Permanently disconnect your grease trap or pre-treatment apparatus
Learn how to permanently disconnect your grease trap or pre-treatment apparatus from the sewerage network.
This information covers all pre-treatment apparatuses, but we will refer to them as grease traps.
Why you may need to permanently disconnect your grease trap
Any grease trap connected to our sewerage network poses a potential risk to people, infrastructure and the environment.
If you want to keep an unused grease trap connected to our sewerage network, you must hold a trade waster owner’s consent/agreement.
If you don’t want to use the grease trap in the future, or have it available for future tenants, you’re required to permanently disconnect the grease trap.
Is permanent disconnection reversible?
No, permanent disconnection is not reversible. Owners must consider whether future tenants of the property may require the grease trap. This will avoid costs associated with the reinstallation in the future.
Temporary disconnection (for example capping) of the sewer doesn’t satisfy our requirements of permanent disconnection and you will still be required to hold a trade waste consent/agreement.
Who is allowed to perform the permanent disconnection?
Only a licensed plumber can disconnect a sewer line. The decommissioning of the grease trap may also require the involvement of an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) licensed waste disposal contractor.
Let us know
When the grease trap has been disconnected, you must notify us via email at trade.waste@gww.com.au or by mail to Trade Waste, Greater Western Water, Locked Bag 350, Sunshine 3020.
Whether via email or post, please include a copy of:
the Compliance Certificate issued by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) to your licensed plumber, detailing the works completed
pump-out documentation from your licensed waste disposal contractor.
Steps for permanent disconnection
The property owner must obtain our consent before undertaking any plumbing works. The property owner or plumber can apply for permission by completing a sewer alteration form. They will then be issued with a VBA Consent to Connect Number (previously PIC number). This number will allow the plumber to book an inspection of the works with the VBA. An application fee applies.
Disconnection of the sewer line involves the permanent cutting and sealing of the pipework serving the outlet of the grease trap.
Decommission the grease trap by arranging for a pump out of all contents (liquid and sludge) of the grease trap by an EPA licensed waste disposal contractor.
Removal from site:
For an above-ground grease trap you can remove the grease trap from site.
For a below-ground grease trap you’ll need to:
backfill with crushed rock
remove lids (see image 1)
match the surface to the surrounds, for example, by concreting the surface (see image 2).
Image 1
Image 2
Disused internal plumbing fixtures
If the disused internal plumbing fixtures remain in place, such as sinks and floor drains, the drainage pipework must be sealed at floor level and the water supply outlets capped where appropriate.