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We're constructing two new water tanks in Sunbury to increase water security for the growing communities in Sunbury and Diggers Rest.
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Project overview
We’re investing $29 million to build two new water tanks at Bald Hill in Sunbury.
This project will double the area’s drinking water storage capacity, ensuring a secure supply of drinking water to meet the needs of up to 10,000 properties.
Each tank will stand 9 metres high with a diameter of 44 metres. In total, the tanks will have the capacity to hold 20 million litres of water — equivalent to eight Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Alongside the tanks, a new main will be constructed to connect the additional storage to Melbourne’s water supply system, supporting a more resilient network.
Construction began in late 2023, with completion expected in 2025.
An aerial view of the Bald Hill tank site showing an earth digger moving soil and rocks in preparation for the tank to be constructed.
Why the project is needed
With rapid population growth in Melbourne's outer west, demand for water is increasing.
These new tanks will provide added security, ensuring a reliable water supply for Sunbury and Diggers Rest into the future.
Sunbury and Diggers Rest customers currently receive water from the Rosslynne Reservoir, supplemented by Melbourne’s water system when needed. These water sources will not change because of this project.
Benefits for Sunbury and Diggers Rest
The project benefits include:
doubling the current storage capacity for the region
improved climate resilience and greater water security to support sustainable community growth
a new main connecting the tanks to the Melbourne water supply, providing greater flexibility and more options for sourcing water during dry weather
a reduction in energy consumption through energy-efficient design – using gravity to distribute water
Local impacts of the works
We’re committed to letting local communities know about our works. If you live near the site, we’ll contact you with details of any potential impacts. As the project continues, we’ll keep you updated.
Here’s what you can expect:
all construction at the site within the existing boundaries
increased trucks, traffic, noise and dust near the site
all construction noise to comply with regulations.
Environmental care, community and cultural heritage
We’re caring for the environment, cultural heritage and local communities throughout this project, by:
collaborating with local residents to minimise local impacts
including Traditional Owners in our consultation process to ensure the protection of cultural heritage
ensuring environmental protection through carrying out required approvals
repurposing soil removed from the excavation site
using bluestone fencing to harmonise with nearby properties
designing water tanks that blend into landscape, preserving the area’s visual appeal.