Water usage fee (for customers receiving both water and sewerage services):
Step 1: first 440 litres of water used per day
$3.5290 per kilolitre
Step 2: water usage above 440 litres of water used per day
$4.0437 per kilolitre
Water usage fee (for customers receiving only water services):
Step 1: first 440 litres of water used per day
$3.0566 per kilolitre
Step 2: water usage above 440 litres of water used per day
$3.5915 per kilolitre
Sewerage network fee
$287.07 per property per annum
Recycled water fee
$39.29 per property per annum
Recycled water usage fee
$2.5749 per kilolitre
*Recycled water prices are only applied to properties receiving recycled water through a separate purple coloured recycled water meter.
Private fire service connection fee
$128.03 per connection per annum
Price per year
Melbourne Water waterways and drainage charge
Parks charge
The greater of either the:
Minimum fee – $87.19; or
Rate based fee – calculated as $0.0051 per NAV^ per year
^The Parks charge for each property in 2024-25 will be greater of the minimum fee of $87.19 and a fee based on the property’s ‘net annual value’ or ‘NAV’, calculated at 0.51 cents per dollar of NAV per year.
Full prices and charges for the central region (area previously known as CWW)
Step 2: water usage above 440 litres of water used per day
$3.2343 per kilolitre
*Some customers will attract a larger service fee based on the size of their meter.
Sewerage network fee
$542.24 per property per annum
20 mm service fee (the most common service)**
$127.27 per property per annum
Recycled water usage fee
$2.0712 per kilolitre
* Recycled water prices are only applied to properties receiving recycled water through a separate purple coloured recycled water meter.
**Some customers will attract a larger service fee based on the size of their meter.
Residential tenants in the area previously known as Western Water receive an efficiency rebate. This rebate will be spread across the four bills issued in the 2024/25 financial year. A credit up to the full bill total will apply for any bills less than the rebate amount
Rebate type
Amount per year
Water efficiency rebate
Price per year
Melbourne Water waterways and drainage charge
Properties inside the Urban Growth Boundary $122.09
Properties outside the Urban Growth Boundary $67.03 per year
Parks charge
The greater of either the:
Minimum fee – $87.19; or
Rate based fee – calculated as $0.0051 per NAV^ per year
^The Parks charge for each property in 2024-25 will be greater of the minimum fee of $87.19 and a fee based on the property’s ‘net annual value’ or ‘NAV’, calculated at 0.51 cents per dollar of NAV per year.
Full prices and charges for the western region (area previously known as WW)
We are working towards having a single set of prices and charges for all GWW customers. In the meantime, we will maintain distinct central and western pricing zones. Use the map below or the list of suburbs to help you determine which region your property is located.