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Greater Western Water walks towards reconciliation
30 May 2024
Greater Western Water’s (GWW) commitment to reconciliation and support for First Nations communities was on display on Monday as employees took part in a symbolic walk to mark the start of National Reconciliation Week.
With two walks held at our offices in Footscray and Sunbury, the event provided an opportunity for employees to show their support for reconciliation, connect to Country and learn more about First Nations people.
Elizabeth Smith, Community Support Worker from the Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation also attended GWW’s Sunbury event, further strengthening GWW’s connections to local First Nations people and organisations.
GWW’s Senior First Nations Advisor, Aunty Kym Monohan, said the event provided an opportunity to understand and learn more about First Nations histories, injustices, stories and cultures.
“Reconciliation is a journey that we must all embark on as Australians to understand where we have been and acknowledge that there is a dark history to this country,” she said.
“It offers an opportunity to look to the future to see what we can do together that will make meaningful change for First Nations people.”
Chair of GWW’s Reconciliation Action Plan Steering Committee, Kirsty Henry said the event demonstrated GWW’s commitment to its vision for reconciliation.
“Our vision for reconciliation is one that as a society celebrates and protects the cultural and spiritual connections of First Nations peoples to the lands and waters, and that meaningfully and respectfully engages with First Nations communities and Traditional Owners,” she said.
“We launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) last year which not only outlines the steps we’ll take towards our reconciliation vision but also emphasises that everyone at GWW has a role to play.”
Read about GWW’s reconciliation commitments in our RAP at www.gww.com.au/RAP