Greater Western Water joins tree planting program for a cooler, greener west
2 May 2022
Greater Western Water will plant more than 10,000 trees in Melton, Altona and Cocoroc in Wyndham this year as part of an initiative to create cooler, greener spaces for communities in Melbourne’s west to enjoy.
The Victorian Government announced an extra 180,000 trees will be planted across the west of Melbourne through its More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West initiative, adding to over 30,000 trees already planted last year.
The western region currently has the lowest tree canopy cover in Melbourne at 5.5 per cent.
State Government funding for phase 2 will see Greater Western Water, along with six local councils, Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and Victoria University, plant more than 180,000 trees across several suburbs by the end of the year.
By partnering on projects like this and the Greening the West initiative, we’re increasing tree canopy and habitat for wildlife at our treatment plants in support of cooler, greener spaces and improving the health and liveability, for our community to benefit.
Volunteers and locals are encouraged to get involved in the planting programs. We’ll let you know about community volunteering opportunities soon.