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The Essential Services Commission (ESC) has this week issued its draft decision on Greater Western Water’s Price Submission 2024 – 2028.
The submission lays out GWW’s proposed pricing, investment and service level plan for the next four years.
GWW Managing Director Maree Lang said the plan was focused on keeping bills stable while maintaining service levels for all customers.
“We welcome the opportunity to respond to the ESC’s draft decision on our plan and to continue advocating for the needs of the west as part of this important process,” she said.
“Greater Western Water services booming populations and fast-growing regions. We’re seeing the Melbourne CBD bouncing back after COVID, with foot traffic and commuter numbers both rising steadily. And out in the West, we’ve seen sustained, rapid population growth that shows no signs of slowing down. In the next 30 years, the population we serve is expected to double.”
“Greater Western Water was formed in 2021 to provide reliable and trusted water services across the growing greater west for customers over the long term. That means sustained investment to keep up with the needs of growing communities. Our pricing plan sets out how we will deliver that work, all while keeping bills stable. We set this plan after extensive consultation with customers.”
The ESC is an independent economic regulator of essential services including Victoria’s water corporations, that are each required to provide a price submission every five years. Today’s draft decision, and GWW’s subsequent response, are standard steps in this process.
GWW customers and the community can have their say on the draft decision ahead of the ESC’s final decision in June 2024. Visit the Essential Services Commission for details.
New prices will come into effect from 1 July 2024.