Important update: potential customer data breaches
Potential customer data breaches: During our billing system upgrade, some customer details were incorrectly migrated, causing bills to be sent to old or secondary addresses, learn more at Update on billing delays.
Billing delays and support: View the latest on billing delays and support options or register for in-person support at a customer care day near you.
With a hot, dry summer expected, Greater Western Water (GWW) is urging residents to know what to do if their water supply is affected by a bushfire or grassfire.
Just as it’s important for residents to prepare their properties and fire plans, GWW also prepares its teams, equipment and infrastructure for the annual fire season.
In a major fire event, water supply can’t be guaranteed as it comes under extreme demand from firefighters and residents.
There are simple steps GWW customers can take to prepare, including:
Keep a supply of drinking water in your emergency kit.
Make sure your mobile phone number is up to date by calling 13 44 99 or visiting Contact Us, as GWW uses text messages, their website and social media to provide updates.
Find your closest fire hydrant and clear any grass or shrubs that could slow down access to it.
Keep a supply of drinking water in your emergency Fire Ready Kit and stay safe this summer.
Jodie Hallam, GWW General Manager of Operations and Delivery Solutions, said that in a bushfire customers may experience low water pressure, lack of supply or reduced quality of water.
"We service municipalities that are at increased fire risk including Hume, Macedon Ranges, Melton, Moorabool, Wyndham, Brimbank and Hobsons Bay," she said.
"I encourage everyone to review the Fire Ready Kit available on the CFA website, as it provides lots of helpful advice on how to prepare for fire season, including setting up water supplies that are independent from mains.
"Our crews will be active in communities over the coming months maintaining network reliability. We will work closely with CFA in the event of a bushfire to ensure access to water supplies and minimise disruption to customers."