Meeting customer commitments – a performance update
Greater Western Water continues to make progress towards meeting the commitments we made to customers through the price determinations for City West Water and Western Water.
In Victoria, water businesses make price submissions to the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The ESC reviews the submissions and issues price determinations, which set out the services and prices customers can expect over a specified period. Water businesses then monitor and report on their progress against their customer commitments.
Improving our performance
Despite the challenges presented by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the need to tailor services to keep our people, customers and community safe, we improved on performance from the previous year. For 2020-21, we ‘met’ or were ‘on track’ to meeting our customer outcomes.
We achieved these results through initiatives that are enhancing customer service and support, helping us better plan service interruptions, dedicating skilled staff to manage water quality, and investing to meet our sewer service and reliability commitments.
As Greater Western Water, our current price determinations were made by the ESC for Western Water and City West Water prior to the two businesses coming together. These determinations are due to expire on 30 June 2023.
We have applied to extend the regulatory period to 20 June 2024. This will give us more time to make informed commitments for our service area. More information about the extension is available here.
We look forward to connecting with our customers and community to ensure that our first Greater Western Water price submission reflects the outcomes they value.